
Brexit Britain
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Author:  jonlumb [ Tue Nov 01, 2016 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brexit Britain

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/busin ... 88821.html

Move along folks, this isn't actually happening because MrStevenRogers says so.

Author:  MrStevenRogers [ Tue Nov 01, 2016 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brexit Britain

jonlumb wrote:

Move along folks, this isn't actually happening because MrStevenRogers says so.

please try harder, much harder :roll: ...

Author:  jonlumb [ Tue Nov 01, 2016 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brexit Britain

Why? You fail to deal with any of the points raised, other than to disagree with them as though your word is absolute. You are the one that really, really needs to step in these discussions.

Author:  MrStevenRogers [ Tue Nov 01, 2016 6:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brexit Britain

jonlumb wrote:
Why? You fail to deal with any of the points raised, other than to disagree with them as though your word is absolute. You are the one that really, really needs to step into these discussions.

i do not have to deal or agree to any of the points raised. we voted out. its you who, it seems, keeps raising the point(s) ...

ps. wait until the next GE there will be a massive majority Govt. and it wont be lab, libdem, or ukip. it will move so far right it will scare the pants off of you ...

Author:  E. F. Benson [ Tue Nov 01, 2016 7:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brexit Britain

I respect your opinion but do not agree. The Brexit vote turned the country to the road you favoured, but I am not convinced it will get us to a worthwhile destination.
Despite the flaws the European union offered hope for all and a resilience on the world stage it will be tough for the UK to maintain alone.

Author:  MrStevenRogers [ Tue Nov 01, 2016 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brexit Britain

E. F. Benson wrote:
I respect your opinion but do not agree. The Brexit vote turned the country to the road you favoured, but I am not convinced it will get us to a worthwhile destination.
Despite the flaws the European union offered hope for all and a resilience on the world stage it will be tough for the UK to maintain alone.

sir, i disagree the road favoured was by the majority not just me, the EU only offers despair not repair. i would sooner sing our own song ...

Author:  jonbwfc [ Tue Nov 01, 2016 11:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brexit Britain

MrStevenRogers wrote:
i do not have to deal or agree to any of the points raised. we voted out.

No, you voted out. Anybody else may have voted in or out as they saw fit. 'We' are not a single mass. We don't have to agree. We don't have to believe what each other says. We have to follow the laws of the land, that's about it. There is no law of the land that says 'if a non-binding advisory referendum goes against you, you then have to agree with whatever the other side stands for'. That notion, is, to put not too fine a point on it, absolute steaming horse manure.

You voted one way and the vote went that way, fair enough. That does not compel anyone else to agree with you, or even stop arguing with you. Tough. Deal with it.

UKIP and the associated campaigners didn't shut up and do what the 'winning side' wanted them to when we had the vote to join the EU. They kept on at it for 40 plus years. And in the end they made an argument and convinced people to back it. That's democracy. You can expect the pro-EU organisations, parties and people to do exactly the same. Again, tough. The leave campaign set the principle - if a vote goes against you, you campaign to reverse it. That's fair enough. That's also democracy. You are in favour of democracy, aren't you?

The only thing the vote actually does is tell parliament what the majority of people who voted think. That's it, in it's entirety. A government may decide that declaration by the majority requires following through on, but legally there is no requirement for them to do it. Essentially, the vote is enabling a faction of the Conservative party to push ahead with what it always wanted to do anyway but didn't have the political ammunition to. Again, fair enough, that's how our democracy works.

But nowhere in our democracy is there a law that says 'once a vote is done everyone has to shut up and accept it'. That principle simply doesn't exist, and never has.

Author:  TheFrenchun [ Wed Nov 02, 2016 11:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Brexit Britain

May is promising no hard border between Ireland and NIreland. How is that going to work?

Author:  pcernie [ Wed Nov 02, 2016 1:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brexit Britain

TheFrenchun wrote:
May is promising no hard border between Ireland and NIreland. How is that going to work?

The UK and NI have multiple loans and trade agreements with Ireland anyway. There never was a hard border in any sense. Both countries are staring down the barrel financially, a hard border was never going to happen.

Author:  MrStevenRogers [ Wed Nov 02, 2016 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brexit Britain

jonbwfc wrote:
MrStevenRogers wrote:
i do not have to deal or agree to any of the points raised. we voted out.

No, you voted out. Anybody else may have voted in or out as they saw fit. 'We' are not a single mass. We don't have to agree. We don't have to believe what each other says. We have to follow the laws of the land, that's about it. There is no law of the land that says 'if a non-binding advisory referendum goes against you, you then have to agree with whatever the other side stands for'. That notion, is, to put not too fine a point on it, absolute steaming horse manure.

You voted one way and the vote went that way, fair enough. That does not compel anyone else to agree with you, or even stop arguing with you. Tough. Deal with it.

UKIP and the associated campaigners didn't shut up and do what the 'winning side' wanted them to when we had the vote to join the EU. They kept on at it for 40 plus years. And in the end they made an argument and convinced people to back it. That's democracy. You can expect the pro-EU organisations, parties and people to do exactly the same. Again, tough. The leave campaign set the principle - if a vote goes against you, you campaign to reverse it. That's fair enough. That's also democracy. You are in favour of democracy, aren't you?

The only thing the vote actually does is tell parliament what the majority of people who voted think. That's it, in it's entirety. A government may decide that declaration by the majority requires following through on, but legally there is no requirement for them to do it. Essentially, the vote is enabling a faction of the Conservative party to push ahead with what it always wanted to do anyway but didn't have the political ammunition to. Again, fair enough, that's how our democracy works.

But nowhere in our democracy is there a law that says 'once a vote is done everyone has to shut up and accept it'. That principle simply doesn't exist, and never has.

the majority voted leave the EU and leave means leave completely there was no option(s) on the referendum ballot paper for a deal, that's democracy, live with it ...

Author:  jonlumb [ Wed Nov 02, 2016 3:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brexit Britain

MrStevenRogers wrote:
the majority voted leave the EU and leave means leave completely there was no option(s) on the referendum ballot paper for a deal, that's democracy, live with it ...

Except it really didn't, it was a staggeringly vaguely worded question that the Leave campaign abused to its fullest potential and that a lot of voters projected their own interpretation on to. It's one of the reasons why the government trying to set out its position on Brexit has been such a [LIFTED], because the 52% that voted leave voted for something so nebulous. If you look at polling where you have three options (Remain, soft brexit maintaining free trade and free movement, and a full on hard brexit), the brexit vote gets split almost exactly in two.



Author:  MrStevenRogers [ Wed Nov 02, 2016 4:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brexit Britain

nothing vague at all. which part of leave or remain is vague ...

Author:  jonlumb [ Wed Nov 02, 2016 4:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brexit Britain

MrStevenRogers wrote:
nothing vague at all. which part of leave or remain is vague ...

Here are 7 different scenarios that would all come under the umbrella term of "leaving the EU":


Author:  MrStevenRogers [ Wed Nov 02, 2016 4:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brexit Britain

i am only interested in one scenario leave the EU completely ...

Author:  jonlumb [ Wed Nov 02, 2016 4:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brexit Britain

MrStevenRogers wrote:
i am only interested in one scenario leave the EU completely ...

I don't think anyone is disputing that fact. What I'm demonstrating is that you cannot claim that all 52% of people who voted leave voted for the same full on hard Brexit that you wanted.

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