
Are we doing enough around the coronavirus outbreak?
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Author:  pcernie [ Tue Mar 24, 2020 11:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are we doing enough around the coronavirus outbreak?

steve74 wrote:
So, day 1 of the new rules and police had to stop a group of youths having a barbecue in Manchester City centre. FFS, just stay the [LIFTED] indoors, you morons!

There's something about society now that if you tell it not to do something stupid, certain members see it as a challenge... Tonight groups of people were sitting on the park benches at 8.30pm. They're never there otherwise.

And that's before you get to Captain Cough and Spit.

Between [LIFTED] like that and the panic buyers, I'm nearly wishing for a virus that detects a lack of grey matter. I mean that might create zombies, but would you really notice?

Author:  pcernie [ Wed Mar 25, 2020 3:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are we doing enough around the coronavirus outbreak?

Please be careful with your glasses, lenses, monocle... my glasses chose just now to break when potentially nowhere will fix them :x

Author:  big_D [ Wed Mar 25, 2020 5:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are we doing enough around the coronavirus outbreak?

steve74 wrote:
So, day 1 of the new rules and police had to stop a group of youths having a barbecue in Manchester City centre. FFS, just stay the [LIFTED] indoors, you morons!

And this is why we have to have lockdowns. :(

It is the same in Germany, a majortiy of people were obeying the rules, the rest were going out partying, playing on the closed play areas, having BBQs in the part etc.

Now we have fines (200€ and up for meeting more than 1 person, not keeping distance, having BBQs in the park etc. and 4000€ for anyone caught running a hotel with guests).

Author:  cloaked_wolf [ Wed Mar 25, 2020 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are we doing enough around the coronavirus outbreak?

pcernie wrote:
Please be careful with your glasses, lenses, monocle... my glasses chose just now to break when potentially nowhere will fix them :x

Could you order the frames online?

We’ve managed to reduce them number of patients seen at the surgery. Currently I might see anywhere up to five in person, with the rest dealt with by telephone. Compare this with 30-40 appointments a day per doctor.

We’ve been advised that if you’re over a certain age, you will not be given a ventilator should you need one due to Covid-19. That means telling people to die at home. Suspected cancer referrals are being delayed at the hospital end as all clinicians are now focussed on this outbreak. Patients with newly diagnosed with cancer are being left untreated. Routine referrals are being ignored and I’m telling patients to come back after outbreak has resolved. Even then, there will be a huge backlog before the NHS is anywhere back to normal.

Author:  pcernie [ Wed Mar 25, 2020 5:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are we doing enough around the coronavirus outbreak?

cloaked_wolf wrote:
pcernie wrote:
Please be careful with your glasses, lenses, monocle... my glasses chose just now to break when potentially nowhere will fix them :x

Could you order the frames online?

We’ve managed to reduce them number of patients seen at the surgery. Currently I might see anywhere up to five in person, with the rest dealt with by telephone. Compare this with 30-40 appointments a day per doctor.

We’ve been advised that if you’re over a certain age, you will not be given a ventilator should you need one due to Covid-19. That means telling people to die at home. Suspected cancer referrals are being delayed at the hospital end as all clinicians are now focussed on this outbreak. Patients with newly diagnosed with cancer are being left untreated. Routine referrals are being ignored and I’m telling patients to come back after outbreak has resolved. Even then, there will be a huge backlog before the NHS is anywhere back to normal.

An absolute star in Specsavers labelled it an emergency and I'll make do until next week.

Jesus that's all...kinds of harsh.

Author:  pcernie [ Wed Mar 25, 2020 9:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are we doing enough around the coronavirus outbreak?

Local residents who normally wouldn't touch PE with yours, have decided now is the time... And that everybody should be out at the same time.

You can't go stir crazy if you never left the bloody house previously!

Author:  pcernie [ Thu Mar 26, 2020 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are we doing enough around the coronavirus outbreak?

https://amp.theguardian.com/business/20 ... oronavirus

As you'd imagine I love RM and normally support the CWU, but they're absolutely biting the hand that keeps them in a job here. The CWU might want to consult with members who realise parcels are essential to the business.And not 'rubbish' to the average customer. How the [LIFTED] would they ever sort it anyway?

Plus, wider view, it's about the only thing working in the economy that doesn't involve a store having food aisles...

Author:  pcernie [ Thu Mar 26, 2020 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are we doing enough around the coronavirus outbreak?

Coronavirus: NHS uses tech giants to plan crisis response

The companies became involved shortly after a meeting at 10 Downing Street hosted by Boris Johnson's advisor Dominic Cummings on 11 March, which was also attended by other tech firms.

The involvement of Palantir - one of tech's most secretive companies - will act as a red flag to some privacy campaigners.

The tech firm was co-founded by Peter Thiel, a billionaire who is a close confidante of US President Donald Trump. It has contracts with the Pentagon among other US government departments, and also has ties to the UK's cyber-spy agency GCHQ.

But its work helping the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency find undocumented workers has proven to be particularly controversial.

Oh, come on, couldn't you have gotten Nigel Farage involved? What's Steve Bannon doing these days? Piers Morgan?

'Mix-up' over EU ventilator scheme

We need a full-on journalistic investigation on that. I bet a simple FOI request would even hint that we're being lied to there.

Author:  pcernie [ Fri Mar 27, 2020 9:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are we doing enough around the coronavirus outbreak?

https://www.theguardian.com/business/20 ... oronavirus

Fully expected and so justifiable but [LIFTED] that'll suck for consumer and provider.

Author:  pcernie [ Sat Mar 28, 2020 12:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are we doing enough around the coronavirus outbreak?

Both Johnson and Hancock have been in repeated contact with other senior political figures, including cabinet members and advisers, in the last few days. But no other ministers would be tested for the virus unless they showed symptoms, Downing Street said.

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/ ... omplacency

So at what stage of infection is a test useful, even just for ruling the virus out? Because I mean surely a few days from now you could test them with reason? They're only running the country in it's darkest hour like.

Author:  pcernie [ Mon Mar 30, 2020 12:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are we doing enough around the coronavirus outbreak?

https://www.ft.com/content/38a81588-650 ... 4680ea68b5

And then there's

A controversial figure and a self-styled political disruptor who helped lead Britain’s pro-Brexit referendum campaign in 2016, he has been blamed for briefing journalists that the UK was seeking herd immunity against the coronavirus. The government and its scientific advisers deny that was ever their strategy.

https://amp.theguardian.com/politics/20 ... s-symptoms

So we're not only blaming China after all these months, now we're gonna pretend Sir Pat didn't tell the BBC all about herd immunity. Then blame the resident crank.

Cummings was always going to take the fall for something, but a pandemic outbreak in the UK is certainly novel in those terms.

Author:  big_D [ Thu Apr 02, 2020 4:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are we doing enough around the coronavirus outbreak?

Meanwhile, Germany has accepted 127 critically ill COVID-19 patients from neighbouring European lands.

Author:  pcernie [ Sat Apr 04, 2020 10:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are we doing enough around the coronavirus outbreak?

Is anyone finding it tough, the whole lockdown thing?

I've gotta say (quite apart from the obvious horrific sh1t and job losses) that queuing to get into shops is the only thing bugging me about it. I even get two days off work a week.

Like in the age of the internet, pubs being too expensive to go to anyway, and multiple distractions on just your phone... how tough is it really?

I guess what I'm asking is, when did you last call round someone's house, or even visit family before the crisis?

Unless you're truly social and/or worrying about your future, is the lockdown aspect really as bad as some are making out? Maybe if you have kids of course...

Author:  cloaked_wolf [ Sun Apr 05, 2020 12:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are we doing enough around the coronavirus outbreak?

TBH, if the DIY and garden shops were open for business as usual, I wouldn’t have been too bothered. I love the fact that the roads are clear whenever I use them. I love that, for the most part, shops have very few customers so it’s easy to zoom around. The only downside with shops is lack of products. Shelves are often bare of some products.

I’d happily crack on with jobs at home given the good weather. I’m doing home workouts which will never be as good as a gym. I don’t have any space other than the utility room. Buying gym equipment online is ridiculously expensive and essentially profiteering.

As a “key worker”, I’m expected to go in to work. Thankfully I can limit the number of patients I see by largely doing telephone consultations. We haven’t been commandeered to work in any of the new hospital set ups yet but that remains to be seen. The downside is our PPE is rather ineffective. Bearing in mind that doctors in Italy had proper face masks but some still contracted coronavirus, the UK’s approach is negligent by comparison. Some staff feel they’re being treated as expendable or cannon fodder. No one cares if they go down, or if they spread coronavirus to others.

Author:  big_D [ Sun Apr 05, 2020 5:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are we doing enough around the coronavirus outbreak?

Does the UK have a video-consultation system in place? Germany was already trialing their solution when this hit, but it is still in small numbers. I believe some practices are using their own solutions, such as Skype at the moment as well.

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