
Star Trek: Federation
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Author:  paulzolo [ Tue Feb 03, 2015 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  Star Trek: Federation

Another plan to pitch for a series that got abandoned due to the JJ Abrams film reboot. This one is from Bryan Singer, and deals with the Federation in its decline several hundred years after the TNG era.

The Federation hasn’t had a flagship in over two hundred years. They haven’t done anything either scientifically or in terms of exploration that comes near the deeds done in the long ago Age of Expansion.

There is no sense of true unity in the Federation and unity will be required if these new aliens return in force. The people need a symbol to remind them who they are, what they mean to each other and that there are prices to be paid for living in paradise.

They need, in short, a sense of Enterprise…
- from "Star Trek: Federation" series proposal

http://trekmovie.com/2011/04/14/exclusi ... ederation/

It sounds an interesting concept - the Federation is broken, tired and bored, and suddenly finds itself in need of a way to deal with a new threat.

Utopia as a goal is like the fire in a nuclear engine. Utopia in practice is stagnation; it’s dry rot; eventually it’s death. Which is precisely where we find the United Federation of Planets a few centuries after the last Age of Discovery.

http://trekmovie.com/2011/04/16/exclusi ... -proposal/

Author:  hifidelity2 [ Wed Feb 04, 2015 10:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Trek: Federation

Its a nice idea - no reason why they can't do it at the same time as the movies - the movies are in a parallel universe so a TV series could just ignore them ... then no issues about things happening in the movies affecting this

Author:  davrosG5 [ Wed Feb 04, 2015 11:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Trek: Federation

hifidelity2 wrote:
Its a nice idea - no reason why they can do it at the same time as the movies - the movies are in a parallel universe so a TV series could just ignore them ... then no issues about things happening in the movies affecting this

Presumably they could close the time loop of the films by killing off the supernova that destroys Romulus before it does so now they know when and where it'll happen which would restore the original timeline.

Author:  Spreadie [ Wed Feb 04, 2015 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Trek: Federation

paulzolo wrote:
The Federation hasn’t had a flagship in over two hundred years. They haven’t done anything either scientifically or in terms of exploration that comes near the deeds done in the long ago Age of Expansion.

There is no sense of true unity in the Federation and unity will be required if these new aliens return in force. The people need a symbol to remind them who they are, what they mean to each other and that there are prices to be paid for living in paradise.

They need, in short, a sense of Enterprise…

That sounds pretty damned good to me.

Get Ronald D Moore on board - I think he could make it truly great.

Author:  pcernie [ Sat Mar 28, 2015 4:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Trek: Federation

New series and movie links (Idris link suggests the upcoming villains)

http://www.latino-review.com/news/star- ... turn-to-tv

http://www.latino-review.com/news/simon ... tar-trek-3

http://www.latino-review.com/news/idris ... tar-trek-3

Author:  timark_uk [ Sat Mar 28, 2015 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Trek: Federation

That Trek series rumour is not happening.


Author:  pcernie [ Sat Mar 28, 2015 9:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Trek: Federation

Shame, though it'll happen sooner or later. I'd like to try a series of Star Trek with a fresh starting point.

Author:  paulzolo [ Sat Mar 28, 2015 9:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Trek: Federation

See? Told you in the OP :-)

I think the sentiment that there SHOULD be a TV series for the 50th anniversary is one I share. The film's are good, but I would like to see a good, solid, return to the small screen. That is where Trek belongs really.

The Federation pitch sounds a great idea, but that is all it remains.

Author:  pcernie [ Mon Mar 30, 2015 10:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Trek: Federation

Idris will not be playing the suggested movie villain

Author:  paulzolo [ Tue Mar 31, 2015 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Trek: Federation

The Klingons in Into Darkness confused me. The only pert of TV Trek that’s “in canon” now is Enterprise, and that was mentioned in the first film. In Enterprise the Klingons were suffering from some kind of illness that required human DNA to fix, causing a temporary loss of ridges and bad dentition (“we do not talk about it” was Worf’s answer to Dax when she asked abut it in the Tribbles DS9 episode). By Star Trek TMP, it’s obvious that Klingon DNA has started to re-assert itself, but in the TV series era, it was quite definitely not doing so. The JJ Abrams era Trek movies have not even got as far as the five year mission, let alone the time of the return of V’Ger, so surely the Klingons in Into Darkness should have been more human looking?

Author:  jonbwfc [ Tue Mar 31, 2015 3:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Trek: Federation

Unless the illness hasn't struck yet.

Author:  davrosG5 [ Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Trek: Federation

jonbwfc wrote:
Unless the illness hasn't struck yet.

Enterprise purported to finsish in or around 2161. The alternate reality Star Trek begins in or around 2258 and TOS was around 2260 (although I'm getting these dates from Wikipedia so hey ho).
Given that the contagion was highly virulent and that the Klingon Empire was thoroughly converted by 2260 in the original timeline it seems unlikely that a gap of 2 years would have such a dramatic effect.

Author:  pcernie [ Mon Jun 01, 2015 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Trek: Federation

Chinese Company Recreates USS Enterprise For Headquarters - ScienceFiction.com
http://sciencefiction.com/2015/05/31/ch ... dquarters/

Author:  davrosG5 [ Tue Jun 02, 2015 8:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Trek: Federation

pcernie wrote:
Chinese Company Recreates USS Enterprise For Headquarters - ScienceFiction.com
http://sciencefiction.com/2015/05/31/ch ... dquarters/

:D 8-) :geek:

Author:  paulzolo [ Mon Jun 22, 2015 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Trek: Federation

TrekMovie reports that Michael Gummelt, creator of fan concept "Star Trek Uncharted," has been invited by Paramount to pitch his idea for a new "Star Trek" television series to the network sometime this Summer.
The concept is reportedly set two centuries after the time of Captain Kirk (and over a century after Picard), and twenty years after a galaxy-wide war with the Romulans resulted in the collapse of their empire and the Federation now encompassing much of the known galaxy. Focus has turned inward as the Federation must deal with internal issues, and Starfleet has become more of a police force than a bunch of explorers.

During this time, a new USS Enterprise is built and sent to the Andromeda Galaxy using 'space folding' technology. The reason for the mission? A mysterious signal has been received from there claiming to be from the creators of life in the Milky Way and inviting us to meet them.

http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/37498/ ... ted-series

A similar take to the Federation idea - but the notion of season length story arcs, and fewer episodic stories appeals greatly. There’s a link to his ideas (and some scripts) at the end of the article.

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