
I exhibit No Surprise...
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Author:  Zippy [ Thu May 14, 2009 9:43 am ]
Post subject:  I exhibit No Surprise...

Emotionally Intelligent Women get more pleasure out of Sex

All of the 2,035 participants completed questionnaires giving details of their sexual behaviour and performance and also answered questions designed to test their emotional intelligence.

The research found a significant association between emotional intelligence and the frequency of orgasm during masturbation and intercourse.

Professor Tim Spector, director of the Twin Research Department at King's College London and co-author of the study, said: "These findings show that emotional intelligence is an advantage in many aspects of your life including the bedroom.

"This study will help enormously in the development of behavioural and cognitive therapies to improve women's sexual lives."

Up to a third of women find it difficult or impossible to reach a climax during sex.

Lead author Andrea Burri said: "Emotional intelligence seems to have a direct impact on women's sexual functioning by influencing her ability to communicate her sexual expectations and desires to her partner."

She added that there was a possible connection with a woman's ability to fantasise during sex or her feeling of control over the act.

Paula Hall, a sexual psychotherapist for Relate, said: "Emotional intelligence is most important in terms of overcoming problems.

"Most women, and men for that matter, will have this problem at some stage in their life. It's often situational - you are tired or stressed or having relationship problems, for example. "It's not just about technique and the environment being right.

"If you are aware of your own emotions and can identify the issues and communicate them, you are more likely to be able to resolve the difficulty."

Author:  John_Vella [ Thu May 14, 2009 10:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I exhibit No Surprise...

Doesn't that make a mockery of the phrase "Blondes have more fun" ? ;)

Author:  timark_uk [ Thu May 14, 2009 10:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I exhibit No Surprise...

John_Vella wrote:
"Blondes have more fun" ? ;)
I think it was a blonde that came up with that saying in the first place.


Author:  bish [ Thu May 14, 2009 10:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I exhibit No Surprise...

Blondes only have more fun because they either dye their hair to get more attention or if they are naturally blonde mike myself don't actually want to be blonde and try to hide it as much as they can for being tarred as a slapper, or if they don't dye it, also like attention.


Author:  Zippy [ Thu May 14, 2009 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I exhibit No Surprise...

I think whoever coined that phrase was referring to the "going out getting drunk and partying at some old codgers expense" type of fun ;)

I'm blonde naturally, a sort of scary white blonde and when my eyes are green I look like a wraith, so I dye my hair. Sometimes I go back to blonde, it's been blue, red, purple and a sort of off-pink colour. It's currently best described as "Flaming Auburn" I guess.

All of the above has had absolutely no effect on my sex life, it's amazing no matter what colour my hair is. People who judge me based on my appearance aren't the kinds of people I want to bother with anyway :D I'm far too clever for that :lol:

Author:  bish [ Thu May 14, 2009 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I exhibit No Surprise...

I'm white blonde too. with blue eyes. They used to call me Nazi child at school when we learned about the war. :( Lol

So I dye it. It's currently bright red.

Author:  Zippy [ Thu May 14, 2009 10:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I exhibit No Surprise...

bish wrote:
I'm white blonde too. with blue eyes. They used to call me Nazi child at school when we learned about the war. :( Lol

So I dye it. It's currently bright red.

My eyes change colour according to my mood, but they're green most often (because I'm usually pretty happy) I went through the same thing at school, although I was the "Leader of the Aryan Nation" :lol:

I can't find a bright red that doesn't wash out and leave a sort of dull red/pink colour behind. I've tried most of the "Live" colours and a few others but they're all the same :(

Author:  bish [ Thu May 14, 2009 10:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I exhibit No Surprise...

Zippy wrote:
I can't find a bright red that doesn't wash out and leave a sort of dull red/pink colour behind. I've tried most of the "Live" colours and a few others but they're all the same :(

I don't use Live colours. They're terrible for your hair. They leave a silicone behind that darkens the colour each time you do it.

I go to a salon that uses Italian colours as aposed to Brittish ones. Less harmful colours, and the coulous gets brighter after 3 washes.

I pay £30 for a wash and all over colour and it lasts me 6 weeks. The colour goes after about 6 but I tend to go back every 6 weeks because of roots and stuff. It aint nice with a big thick blonde stripe in the middle of your head! :lol:

Live colours cost about a fiver a box, and I need to use 2, so thats a tenner. They last for about 3 weeks.

So for an extra tenner, I can get it done properly without any nasties, and it looks nicer. :)

Author:  Zippy [ Thu May 14, 2009 10:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I exhibit No Surprise...

bish wrote:
So for an extra tenner, I can get it done properly without any nasties, and it looks nicer. :)

Fair enough. I expect there are salons around here that would do it, but since the last time I got my hair cut was November, and before that it was almost 5 years, the chances of me going to one every 6 weeks are pretty remote. Mostly I don't have the time, also until the payrise situation gets sorted I have a car habit that is taking up all my spare cash, add to that I can get bright red hair every weekend if I want, by grinding a bit more paint off the TR7 body work, you can see the issue :D

Author:  forquare1 [ Thu May 14, 2009 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I exhibit No Surprise...

My gf is bright purple at the moment, she uses dyes which have a vegetable base, she gets them from www.beeunique.co.uk
She started off with a really nice bold green fringe, then went all-over purple, she's tried other colours, but purple suits her.
I sometimes have a green chin when she attacks me with bleach and the dye...

Back on topic, I presume emotionally intelligent is a posh way of saying more intune with their emotions?

Author:  John_Vella [ Thu May 14, 2009 12:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I exhibit No Surprise...

forquare1 wrote:
My gf is bright purple at the moment

Are you sure you don't mean your girlfriends hair is bright purple? :shock:

I duuno... you might be going out with whatsername from Charlie and the chocolate factory ;)

forquare1 also wrote:
she uses dyes which have a vegetable base, she gets them from http://www.beeunique.co.uk

Soooo... that would be beetroot then? ;) :lol: :roll:

Sorry, etc. read the sig.

Author:  forquare1 [ Thu May 14, 2009 12:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I exhibit No Surprise...

Yes John, I did mean her hair...And it might be beetroot, don't tell her that though, she hates the stuff...

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